Verizon Cloud Onboarding

Onboarding iOS Users
As a Senior Product Designer, I worked the redesign of the Verizon Cloud onboarding process for iOS users. My role involved evaluating and improving the user journey to address the friction of downloading the app, completing registration, and launching a backup. I conducted user research, developed wireframes and prototypes, and collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline the onboarding experience, ensuring it aligned with user needs and facilitated a more seamless and intuitive setup.
Verizon Cloud comes pre-installed on most android devices but only downloadable for iOS phones. The “Job to be Done” of the app is to back up user’s content to the Cloud. It did not make sense to have so many zero storage users on iOS. A user would need to download the app from the app store, complete the account setup and registration in Onboarding, and launch a backup. Why go through all that trouble and not back up one file, or delete the app from their device? The onboarding process needed to be re-evaluated.
3 months -2 Sprints; includes New User, Existing User, Add-A-Line, Small Business, Upgrade, Signature User flows.

My UX Process

• Ease of access from home screen or lock button was a “must have”
• Privacy & storage benefits were highly valued
• Knowing their photos were saved was paramount
• Users felt they’d already had this feature on their phone, in other apps
• Cataloged all pages in the Onboarding flow
• Researched where the backend calls took place and how they affected the flow
• Accounted for all the different types of subscribers: Prepaid, Post Paid, Contacts Only, OTT
• Created iOS and Android wires for the current flow in production (for context), along with the new proposed flow.

• Assets and Wires added to JIRA tickets
• Artboards Uploaded to Zeplin and pinned to tickets
• Prototype Built
