Capsyl Cloud Camera

Capsyl offers secure cloud storage to wirelessly back up and sync content between your phone, tablet, computer and other devices.



Verizon Cloud offers secure cloud storage to wirelessly back up and sync content between your phone, tablet, computer and other devices.


Storing tons of photos on your phone can be a difficult task, especially if your storage is full.  Users are hesitant to delete the content off their device even if the items are backed up in the cloud.  


Product Designer


4 Agile Sprints (8 weeks)


Providing a camera feature within the Capsyl app will allow users to take, store and edit a photo directly to Cloud.


Sketch Prototype


Worked directly with the product owner to brainstorm about the feature. We had differentiating opinions on what would excite the user about the camera feature; saving space on their device? or exciting camera tools?  

The first step was to perform generative research to help confirm our assumptions and define the problem we wanted to solve. The test was an explorative usability test of 10 users and asked 13 questions.  Open ended questions were used to elicit findings from the users about their usage of cameras, what they enjoyed, what they needed.  

The takeaways included
• Users took multiple photos at a time, then viewed
• Ease of access from home screen or lock button was a “must have”
• Privacy & storage benefits were highly valued
• Knowing their photos were saved was paramount
• Users felt they’d already had this feature on their phone, in other apps
Process for the first draft of wires
• Fresh install of the local build to my devices to see the experience as a new user
• Cataloged all the pages that were touched in the Onboarding flow
• Researched where the backend calls took place and how they affected the flow
• Accounted for all the different types of subscribers: Prepaid, Post Paid, Contacts Only, OTT
• Created iOS and Android wires for the current flow in production (for context),  along with the new proposed flow.
Feedback was taken from the results from the exploration study, and designs were updated to reflect the user’s wants.  Two types of prototypes were created. A preference study was launched to see if more functionality added to the camera would sway users to be excited about the feature. Added functionality included:

• The availability of filters before the photo was taken.
• Ability to take multiple photos and edit later.
• 3D filters based on location

Transition to Smart Scan

A Capsyl Personal Cloud scanning solution that allows users to use the camera to scan documents and photos directly to the Cloud.

Cloud Camera would not turn out to be a feature that would increase user engagement. How.  What if we use Cloud Camera for a different purpose?

Offering the ability to use the camera as a scanner, store documents and photos securely in the cloud, and offer Private Folder protection would be attractive to users because it is not something that they already use, or own.
Working with just the Product Owner we developed high level requirements.  I did a competitive analysis of scanning apps and produced high level designs to further iterate the feature.  After several meetings with the Product Owner and Stakeholder, I refined and improved the wires to a “North Star” vision of Smart Scanner.  

Again an explorative user test was performed to find out about behaviors, usability, and preferences of scanning.  Along with the test, users were shown designs and asked a series of questions around the functionality of the Smart Scanner using the Kano method.

The takeaways included
• Every user in the study owned a printer with a scanning feature, but all said they would rather use their phone to scan instead.  
• Users overwhelmingly like the feature, they felt that it was highly attractive and something that they would use on a regular basis.
• Users talked about the frustration of Microsoft Lens crashing on them, the cumbersome use of iOS notes and other apps that scan too fast or blurry.


With the positive findings from the research, the wires were refined again. I developed an Adobe XD prototype that featured auto detection of corners, multiple scan functionality,  save as multiple media types, classification based on tags. Smart Scan has been well received by our stakeholders and will be taken into production in Q3.